GALLOWAY TOWNSHIP – A patient at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center Mainland Campus has tested positive for COVID-19, according to a hospital spokesperson.

“We are bound by patient confidentiality and cannot provide additional details at this time,” the press release stated.

AtlantiCare continues to take all necessary precautions to reduce the spread of the virus and ensure the safety of patients and their families, staff and providers, and the community. This includes following the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the New Jersey Department of Health in caring for patients.

We continue to ask that before visiting any medical setting for symptoms of flu, flu-like illnesses, or coronavirus, members of our community call their primary care provider, pediatrician, or urgent care provider for direction, and that they follow all CDC and NJ DOH guidelines for preventing the spread of the disease.


Nanette LoBiondo Galloway

Award winning journalist covering news, events and people of Atlantic County for more than 20 years.