Water testing shows no high levels of bacteria in Lakes Bay.

VENTNOR – Due to rainy weather on Wednesday, paving on Wellington Avenue where the Atlantic County Utilities Authority repaired a broken force main, was delayed until Thursday, March 25.

The paving company has completed all base paving along with temporary curbing and sidewalks. They are now completing paving of the top course in each of the three excavation trenches. The goal is to remove the detour about  8 p.m. Thursday evening.

The ACUA street sweeper will return on Friday for additional cleanup.               

ACUA extended appreciation to Ventnor City’s municipal staff and officials, along with county and NJ DEP personnel and others involved for their cooperation, coordination, communication and teamwork which helped to speed the repair process. ACUA thanked residents, businesses and others impacted by the leak and repair for their patience, cooperation and understanding throughout this repair work.

The Atlantic County Utilities Authority also reported that water testing results in the Lakes Bay area show no elevated levels of enterococcus bacteria in the areas near the leak that was previously impacted.


Categories: Downbeach

Nanette LoBiondo Galloway

Award winning journalist covering news, events and people of Atlantic County for more than 20 years.