VENTNOR – Cantor Jacqueline Menaker will be installed as Reform Spiritual Leader at Shirat Hayam 11 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 10 at the synagogue, 700 N. Swarthmore Ave.

Cantor Barbara Ostfeld, the first female cantor in more than 2,000 years of rabbinic Jewish history, will officiate at the installation ceremony.

The event includes a champagne reception followed by the installation ceremony. Following the ceremony, participants will enjoy a gala brunch catered by Panache Catering of Philadelphia. Also featured is a silent auction, luxury trip raffle and entertainment. Music will be provided by pianist Dave Gross, cellist George Atanasiu, violinist Lenuta Ciulei, and entertainer Carol Stein.

Tickets are $36 per person.  For details, contact Mitch Menaker at 407-948-2853, email at or call Shirat Hayam at 609-822-7116.


Categories: Downbeach

Nanette LoBiondo Galloway

Award winning journalist covering news, events and people of Atlantic County for more than 20 years.