Provided/Eldergrow Educator Mikkele Lawless shows an example of a bug hotel, which is a safe space for beneficial bugs to hibernate over the winter.

GALLOWAY TOWNSHIP – In the September Eldergrow session at Seashore Gardens Living Center, residents made cozy “bug hotels” to help protect the beneficial insects in the crenter’s pollinator gardens. The structures will provide safe spaces for the bugs to hibernate over the winter.

In a separate Eldergrow program, assisted living residents learned about the Herb of the Month, cilantro. They used the herb to dye rice flour and create beautiful paintings.

Eldergrow is a therapeutic gardening program that engages residents in meaningful ways, physically, socially, cognitively, creatively and spiritually. The benefits of therapeutic horticulture are numerous and include improving motor skills, reducing the risk factors for dementia, elevating mood, improving sleep, reducing falls, reducing agitation, improving self-esteem, and acting as an antidepressant.

Provided/Celia and Doris collaborate on the creation of their bug hotel.

The Sephardic Home Foundation provided the original intergenerational grant. Additional funding is needed to continue the program.

For more information, email Sharon D’Angio at

Shirley explores the various types of foliage that help to create a safe place for beneficial bugs.

Nanette LoBiondo Galloway

Award winning journalist covering news, events and people of Atlantic County for more than 20 years.