From left, Don Frederico, Tom Schnepp, Larry Pacentrilli, John DiMarco standing in for Frank D’Alonzo, Dennis McGuigan, John Saalman and John R. Murphy.

LONGPORT – American Legion Post 469 met Tuesday, June 6 for its the post-election installation of officers for 2023-2024.  Herb Stern conducted the final nominations and elections and Atlantic County American Legion Commander Don Frederico presided over the installation ceremony.

Those installed are Post Commander Larry Pacentrilli, Vice-Commander and Sergeant-at-Arms John DeMarco, Service Officer Tom Schnepp, Adjutant Dennis McGuigan, Finance Officer John Saalman and Chaplain John R. Murphy.

Business discussed at the meeting included a review of the Memorial Day Parade and Sunday dinner, upcoming distribution of the annual Longport Directory, Legion awards for students at the Margate schools, sale of poppies, plans for the hosting of the annual Wounded Warrior Week in Longport and welcoming prospective new members.

Categories: Longport

Nanette LoBiondo Galloway

Award winning journalist covering news, events and people of Atlantic County for more than 20 years.