VENTNOR – The city welcomed residents and visitors to the 4th of July holiday weekend with the Cultural Arts Center’s annual Ocean Breeze Arts and Crafts Show and Sale.

Local and regional artists and crafters set up their tents surrounding the library building and others enjoyed the air conditioned hallway inside the building. Vendors included makers of fine arts, upcycled clothing, photography, knitted dolls, sparkling jewelry and intricately designed pottery and collages. Several of the artists who frequent the Cultural Arts Center sold copies of the books they wrote about the culture of Atlantic City.

Despite what seems to be a never-ending forecast of spotty storms, it turned out to be a perfect day for an arts festival. The crowd was steady all day long and vendors and organizers were pleased with the turnout.

Categories: Ventnor

Nanette LoBiondo Galloway

Award winning journalist covering news, events and people of Atlantic County for more than 20 years.