Herb Stern Longport Scholarship recipients 2023.

LONGPORT – The Herb Stern Longport Scholarship Fund has announced that scholarship applications are now available for Longport residents who are graduating high school this year or who are in college or graduate school.

The fund will award up to $25,000 this year. Last year, the fund awarded $26,500 to students, the largest amount in the fund’s history. Recipients were Jackson Agnellini, Pacifico Agnellini, Jeremy Albergo, Patrick Armstrong, Jr., Joseph DeGaetano, Eva Engel, Sophia Gresham, Jonah Hammerstedt, Luke Kramer, Alanna Larson, Tyler Lawler, Jack Schiavo, Tai Schiavo, Birdie Stewart, Kai Tripician, Kallan Tripician and Nicholas Volpe.

Since the fund was instituted 14 years ago, more than $200,000 has been awarded. The fund is supported through donations from year-round and seasonal residents and friends of Longport.

Scholarship applications are available to download at www.longportscholarshipfund.com.

Applications and supporting documentation must be submited by the deadline on April 1. Applicants will be selected based on academic performance, extracurricular activities and work experience. Awards will be announced in April.

Contributions to the fund may be made at any time at www.longportscholarshipfund.com or by check payable to the Longport Scholarship Fund, c/o Treasurer Lynn Baumgardner, Longport Scholarship Fund, 3210 Atlantic Ave., Longport, NJ 08403



Categories: Longport

Nanette LoBiondo Galloway

Award winning journalist covering news, events and people of Atlantic County for more than 20 years.