Scholarships available

VENTNOR – Mayor Lance Landgraf has announced that applications for the NJ State League of Municipalities Louis Bay 2nd Future Municipal Leader Scholarship Competition are currently available for junior and senior high school students on the city’s website,

Three $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to NJ students. The competition centers on a 500-word essay with the theme, “What My Municipal Government Does Best.” The scholarship competition is designed to encourage future municipal leaders.

Municipal elected leaders often serve without compensation and their desire to serve their community compels them to public service. Along with dedicated municipal professionals, they are guardians of hometown comforts and security. They give their time and talents to plan a community that preserves and protects the American way of life. They serve every day, year-round, often without notice.

Judging is based solely on the essay. No transcripts or references are required. Criteria includes appropriateness of theme, effective articulation of the theme, originality, and technical composition, spelling and syntax.

Applications along with the essay must be returned to Mayor Lance Landgraf, Ventnor City Hall, 6201 Ventnor Ave., Ventnor, NJ 08406 no later than 4 p.m. March 8, or email to

Download the application at


Categories: Ventnor

Nanette LoBiondo Galloway

Award winning journalist covering news, events and people of Atlantic County for more than 20 years.