Margate Board of Commissioners, from left, Cathy Horn, Mayor Michael Collins and Maruy Blumberg.


MARGATE – Mayor Michael Collins Thursday, Aug. 4 followed through on a campaign promise, announcing the nine residents who will serve on the newly formed Citizens Advisory Board.

Collins said there was robust interest from the public in serving on the advisory board.

“It was an overwhelming response,” Collins said. “We had many residents interested in joining this board and very tough decisions for the three of us to make these selections.”

The resumes and letters of interest received were “remarkable,” he said.

Each of the commissioners selected three candidates to serve on the board. Each appointtee will serve at the pleasure of their nominating commissioner. The committee will elect a chairperson and officers and adopt their own bylaws, and rules and regulations.

Collins said the board would assist the commissioners in communicating with the public on issues of importance to the community, analyze, advise and recommend courses of action that could be taken, and work on long- and short-term projects.

The board members are Gretchen Reed, Gerard Rosenberger, Cindy Pitts, Brian Duffey, Christine Eden, Rich Tolson, Steve Altman, Joanne Goldberg and Andy Perry.

“We thank everyone who did apply. For those not selected, we certainly value your input and the board as selected will welcome your feedback,” Collins said.

The commissioners will provide guidance so committee members can meet in the coming weeks.


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Categories: Margate

Nanette LoBiondo Galloway

Award winning journalist covering news, events and people of Atlantic County for more than 20 years.