From left, Lynn Caterson, Mike Riordan, Kaleem Shabazz, Nick LaRotonda and Nanett LoBiondo Galloway.

The Atlantic County League of Municipalities held its annual installation dinner Friday, Feb. 16 at the Crab Trap in Somers Point.

Following the election of officers for 2024, League attorney Evelynn S. Caterson administered the oath of office for incoming officers. They are: Brigantine Councilman Mike Riordan, president; Atlantic City Council Vice-president Kaleem Shabazz, first vice-president; Absecon Council President Nick LaRotonda, second vice-president; and Egg Harbor City Councilwoman Nanette LoBiondo Galloway, third vice-president.

Mike Riordan and Karl Timbers

Incoming President Mike Riordan presented Egg Harbor City Councilman Karl Timbers, who served as president during 2023, with a plaque and clock in appreciation for his year of service. Timbers expressed gratitude to League attorney Lynn Caterson and Secretary/Treasurer Paula Geletei for making the job easy during his tenure.

Additionally, those gathered for the meeting heard a presentation from the South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization about the Local Road Safety Plan to identify and prioritize roadway safety programs in South Jersey. Projects are funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. Members of the SJTPO encouraged local government officials to participate in the five-year planning process that works to make roads safer for all users.

Nanette LoBiondo Galloway

Award winning journalist covering news, events and people of Atlantic County for more than 20 years.